Food, Farms, and Factories Exhibit

Sunday, May 5, 2024, None Specified
Great Hall Exhibit: What’s on Your Plate? Great Falls Discovery Center
Ongoing, May 5—June 29 Great Falls Discovery Center
The exhibit What’s On Your Plate? asks artists to investigate the entanglement of food, time, commitment, and ecology. Curated by Exploded View, in collaboration with our 2024 Food, Farms, and Factories project and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
* Food, Farms, & Factories
In 2024, the Friends of the Great Falls Discovery Center present programs and exhibits about Food, Farms, and Factories, continuing conversations about rural life in Turners Falls and Franklin County. Supported by the Friends of the Great Falls Discovery Center, RiverCulture, the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, and Montague Public Libraries. Funded by Mass Humanities through the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit www.greatfallsdiscoverycenter.