Carnegie Library Used Book Sale
Saturday, January 4, 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
Fiction, Paperbacks and Kids books, DVDs/CDs & Audio Books. Hundreds of Recent Donations.
Proceeds benefit the Friends of the Montague Public Libraries. Questions? Call 413-863-3214.
Alt text: One adult handing another adult a book near a stack of books and other people close by.
The Carnegie Library is located at 201 Avenue A in Turners Falls, MA. Those taking public transit, can reach the Library by taking the FRTA Bus Routes 22, 24, or 32 to the Food City stop or by taking FRTA’s Route 23 to the Ave A and 3rd Street stop:
The Carnegie Library has one accessible parking space, located on the 7th Street side of the building (to the left side, if you’re facing the front of the building). The Library is accessible by wheelchair ramp, accessed down the driveway off of the 7th Street side of the building. There is an automatic door at the top of the ramp. There is a restroom, but the entrance to it is not ADA compliant.
The Montague Public Libraries welcome individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you would like to request accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact library director, Caitlin Kelley, at or 413-863-3214 ext. 6 in advance of your participation or visit.