Large white circle with the words Borrowing Policy against a background of many smaller, colored circles.

The Montague Public Libraries(MPL) are a member of the Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing Network (C/WMARS). An MPL card entitles patrons to borrow materials from three Montague Library locations, the Carnegie Library, the Montague Center Branch, and the Millers Falls Branch, as well as 155 other public and academic libraries.

How to apply for a library card in person

You will need:

A photo ID

Proof of address (via a bill or piece of mail), if address on ID is no longer valid.

Children and youths ages 0-17: can apply for a library card with a parent or legal guardian who has proof of address, with a filled out New Card Registration Form signed by their parent or guardian, or with a school or government-issued photo ID.

Please note: it is the goal of the Montague Public Libraries to serve all the members of our community. If you cannot meet the above identification requirements, but wish to obtain a library card, please contact the library.

C/WMARS eCard:

The C/WMARS eCard is an electronic library card that can be used to access online materials such as e-books, e-audio, e-magazines, and more. C/WMARS eCards provide access to e-content for 2 years before they need to be renewed. eCards can also be upgraded to full library cards at any point for patrons who want to place holds and check out physical materials.

You are eligible to apply for a CW MARS eCard if you…

  • live in a Massachusetts town with a CW MARS member library,
  • are age 13 or older,
  • and do not currently have a library card from a CW MARS member library.

You can register for an eCard here:

Library cards from other libraries

If a patron has a current library card from a qualifying public library in the C/WMARS network, then they may use their existing card to borrow materials at the Montague Public Libraries. An MPL card is only needed for certain online resources such as Kanopy.

Out of state residents

Out of state residents may acquire an MPL card, but must pay a fee of $30 every two years.

Renewing expired cards

Library cards expire every two years to allow library staff to verify current contact information. If your library card has expired, please call or stop by an MPL location to renew it. If your address has changed, please bring an updated ID or a piece of mail to confirm your new address.

Lost and replacement cards

Lost MPL cards will be replaced for free. We encourage patrons who have lost their cards to notify the library as soon as possible.

Using your card online

Patrons can log into their library account online to see what items they have checked out, to reserve items, or to keep records of items they have borrowed and wish to remember for later. To log into your account go to:

Homebound delivery services

Montague residents who are unable to visit the library because of short or long-term illness or disability may be able to receive Homebound Delivery Service. Please call the Carnegie Library at 413-863-3214 if you are interested in participating in the Homebound Delivery program.

Loan limits

Patrons are allowed to have a total of 50 items checked out to their account, of which 20 can be DVD’s.There is a limit of 20 hold requests per account. Items cannot be borrowed or renewed if there are more than $10 worth of lost or damaged item charges on your account.

While the Montague Public Libraries do not charge late fines on our items, patrons may accrue fines from items borrowed from neighboring libraries, per that library’s borrowing policy.

Loan periods

  • Books, Audiobooks, and CDs– 3 weeks, 1 renewal
  • Periodicals, DVDs, and Library of Things (puppets, games, tools, etc.) – 1 week, 1 renewal
  • Hotspots – 2 weeks, no renewal
  • Museum Passes – 3 days, no renewal


C/WMARS provides automatic renewals for all eligible items. Patrons will receive an email courtesy notice identifying which items are due and which items were auto-renewed.

Items are renewed if:

  • MPL allows this type of item to renew
  • The item has not reached its maximum allowed renewals
  • The patron’s card is not blocked or expired

If an item cannot be renewed, the courtesy notice will indicate that it is due. Patrons may also renew an item by calling the owning library or by logging into their account on the C/WMARS home page.

Items borrowed from outside C/WMARS are not renewable. Please call the Carnegie Library and ask for the Inter-Library Loan Department for assistance about?extenuating circumstances.


Montague Public Libraries materials may be returned to any C/WMARS library and materials from any C/WMARS library may be returned to Montague too, unless otherwise specified.

A book drop box is located outside of each Montague Public Library location. The Carnegie Library’s drop box is emptied twice daily and the Millers Falls and Montague Center Branches empty their book drops boxes once each day that they are open. Items returned in these library book drops after hours or on days that the libraries are not open will be back-dated to the previous open day.

Library materials that are obtained through Inter-Library Loan (from outside of C/WMARS) must be returned to an MPL circulation desk. Library of Things items and hotspots must also be returned to an MPL circulation desk. All of these items will have a notice attached that tells you this.

Approved by the Trustees of the Montague Public Libraries 3/28/2022