Large white circle with the words Volunteer Policy & Application Form against a background of many smaller, colored circles.

Role of volunteers
The Montague Public Libraries welcomes the assistance of volunteers to add to the services it provides to the community. Services provided by volunteers will supplement, but not replace, regular services and volunteers will not be used in place of hiring full- or part-time staff. Volunteers may assist with special events, projects and activities or serve on a regular basis to help staff.

Selection and retention of volunteers
Volunteers will be selected based on a completed volunteer application form, an interview, their qualifications, an approved CORI, and the needs of the library at any given time. The Library Director and staff shall use their discretion in determining the appropriate use and retention of volunteers. In the event that a volunteer is not able to adequately perform the duties assigned to them, the library will make an effort to reassign the volunteer if another suitable volunteer position exists at that time. Volunteers are expected to adhere to the library’s behavior policy. Should a volunteer consistently or egregiously violate this policy, the library director, in consultation with at least one Library Trustee, may terminate that volunteer’s service. Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all library information and are expected to conform to all policies of the Montague Public Libraries.

Training and supervision
Volunteers will receive training in their assigned duties from a library staff member under the direction of the Library Director. Volunteers shall work when adequate supervision is available. Work schedules and specific time commitments will be arranged individually by each volunteer and his or her supervisor. Volunteers should feel welcome to bring any questions or concerns they may have to the library director.

Volunteers may apply for paid positions under the same conditions as other outside applicants.

Approved by the Trustees of the Montague Public Libraries 3/28/2022

Online Volunteer Application Form