Large white circle with the words Inter Library Loan Policy against a background of many smaller, colored circles.

Montague Public Libraries Interlibrary Loan Policy

An interlibrary loan (ILL) is a transaction in which library materials are made available by one library to another library upon request. For the purposes of clarity for staff and patrons, this policy differentiates between two types of commonly placed Interlibrary Loan requests: mediated loans and Commonwealth Catalog loans.

Types of Loans
The Montague Public Libraries (MPL) offer three types of interlibrary loan.
1. Local loans between CW/MARS consortium libraries. These loans can be made by a patron or library staff member using the CW/MARS catalog. These transactions are covered under The Montague Public Libraries’ general Borrower’s Policy.
2. State-wide loans from the Commonwealth Catalog. These loans can be made by a patron or library staff member. Borrowing rules and policy for ComCat loans are on page two of this document.
3. Country-wide mediated interlibrary loans facilitated by the Mass Library System. These are also referred to as CLIO loans. Borrowing rules and policy for mediated loans are on page three of this document.

Commonwealth Catalog Loans Definitions
The?Commonwealth Catalog (ComCat)?allows library users to locate and request library materials from participating libraries all across Massachusetts. These items are delivered directly to the Montague Public Libraries branch of their choice.

Commonwealth Catalog Borrowing Policy
Items lent or borrowed through the Commonwealth Catalog are managed by a dedicated staff person who updates the loan status and manages the shipping and receiving of items directed through the Commonwealth Catalog.
Items retrieved through ComCat have a barcode compatible with the CW/MARS catalog and will check out to a patron’s account where it can be viewed on their record.

Due dates for Commonwealth Catalog items are set by the lender. Loan periods are typically three weeks in length, but may vary and may not be adjusted by staff. Renewals are not permitted. Patrons are responsible for the cost of items lost or damaged while in their possession.

Failure to follow these policies, or to return items on time and in good condition may lead to the suspension of loan privileges.

Mediated Loans
Mediated loans, also known as CLIO loans, are requests made and managed by library staff and the Massachusetts Library System ILL Department. These loans can come from any library within the U.S., and do not include local transactions between libraries in the CW/MARS automated system or the Commonwealth Catalog.

CLIO holds are only placed when an item cannot be located within the CW/MARS or Commonwealth Catalog systems.

Patrons may make a CLIO request by filling out a form or speaking to a MPL staff member. MPL’s ILL staff make the request and manage the subsequent receipt, circulation and return of the item.

Mediated Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Policy
Mediated loans are available to all Montague Public Library users in good standing. Requests are facilitated and updated by MPL’s ILL staff. To avoid confusion, patrons will not directly contact CLIO lenders or the Massachusetts Library System unless instructed to do so by MPL’s ILL staff.

All types of materials may be requested, except video console games. Items newer than 6 months old may not be requested.

Interlibrary Loan requests will be processed in a timely fashion. If items cannot be borrowed, locations for potential local or electronic use will be provided, if available, and the patron will be informed.

Patrons are requested to pick up held items within 5 business days of being informed of their arrival. Returns must be made before the library closes on the date the item is due.

Due dates for interlibrary loan materials are set by the lending library. Items are typically loaned for 28 days, starting from the date that the item ships from the lending library. Late returns jeopardize the ability, of both the borrowing patron and the Montague Public Libraries, to continue borrowing from the Massachusetts Library System. There are no renewals allowed for mediated interlibrary loans.

Please note, CLIO items do not check out or display on patrons’ borrowing record. Each item comes with a preprinted book strap that displays the due date of the item. It is the patron’s responsibility to keep track of these items and their due dates, and to ensure their prompt return by said date.

Montague Public Libraries only requests materials from free lenders. If an item is only available from a charging lender, the patron may be asked if they are willing to pay the borrowing fee in order to get an item. MPL pays postage for all returns.

Patrons are responsible for the cost of items lost or damaged while in their possession.

Failure to abide by these policies may result in a loss of these privileges, at the discretion of the Director.