Every 1st Wednesday, 4:30 pm until 5:30 pm
Knitting Club at Montague Center Library
First Wednesdays of the month. Bring a project or learn something new! All ages and skill levels welcome.
All ages welcome.
The Montague Center Branch Library is located at 17 Center Street in Montague, MA. Those taking public transit can reach the Branch Library by taking the FRTA Bus Route 23 to the Montague Center Stop: https://frta.org/getting-around/schedules-maps/
The Montague Center Branch Library has one accessible parking space, located on the North Street side of the building (to the right side, if you’re facing the front of the building.) The Branch Library is accessible by a wheelchair ramp, also located on the North Street Side. There is an accessible restroom located in the children’s room. There is not an automatic door.
The Montague Public Libraries welcome individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you would like to request accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact library director, Caitlin Kelley, at librarydirector@montague-ma.gov or 413-863-3214 ext. 6 in advance of your participation or visit.
Monday, November 25, 4:00 pm until 5:00 pm
Craft Club at Montague Center Library
Each month we will feature a new craft. Come to learn a new skill or just for the camaraderie while you work on your own projects.
All ages welcome.
The Montague Center Branch Library is located at 17 Center Street in Montague, MA. Those taking public transit can reach the Branch Library by taking the FRTA Bus Route 23 to the Montague Center Stop: https://frta.org/getting-around/schedules-maps/
The Montague Center Branch Library has one accessible parking space, located on the North Street side of the building (to the right side, if you’re facing the front of the building.) The Branch Library is accessible by a wheelchair ramp, also located on the North Street Side. There is an accessible restroom located in the children’s room. There is not an automatic door.
The Montague Public Libraries welcome individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you would like to request accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact library director, Caitlin Kelley, at librarydirector@montague-ma.gov or 413-863-3214 ext. 6 in advance of your participation or visit.
Tuesdays, 3:30 pm until 4:30 pm
Imagination Station: Drop-In Craft
Bring your creativity and enjoy using the library’s collection of craft supplies to make all sorts of works of art. Millers Falls Branch Library. Ages 6-12.
In January we'll make dinosaur-related crafts!
The Millers Falls Branch Library is located at 23 Bridge Street in Millers Falls, MA.
Those taking public transit can reach the Branch Library by taking the FRTA Bus Route 32 to the Millers Falls stop: https://frta.org/getting-around/schedules-maps/
The Millers Falls Branch does not have an accessible parking space. The Branch Library has accessible front and back entrances. There is an accessible restroom. There is not an automatic door.
The Montague Public Libraries welcome individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you would like to request accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact library director, Caitlin Kelley, at librarydirector@montague-ma.gov or 413-863-3214 ext. 6 in advance of your participation or visit.
Wednesdays 3:30 pm until 4:30 pm at Carnegie Library
LEGO at the Library
Young architects and engineers are invited to join us for LEGO building fun. Ages 6-11.
The Carnegie Library is located at 201 Avenue A in Turners Falls, MA. Those taking public transit, can reach the Library by taking the FRTA Bus Routes 22, 24, or 32 to the Food City stop or by taking FRTA’s Route 23 to the Ave A and 3rd Street stop: https://frta.org/getting-around/schedules-maps/
The Carnegie Library has one accessible parking space, located on the 7th Street side of the building (to the left side, if you’re facing the front of the building).
The Library is accessible by wheelchair ramp, accessed down the driveway off of the 7th Street side of the building. There is an automatic door at the top of the ramp. There is a restroom, but the entrance to it is not ADA compliant.
The Montague Public Libraries welcome individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you would like to request accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact library director, Caitlin Kelley, at librarydirector@montague-ma.gov or 413-863-3214 ext. 6 in advance of your participation or visit.
Drop-In Community Puzzle
Saturdays, 10:00 am until 5:00 pm
Everyone is invited to add 1 or 2 (or 200) pieces to the library’s community puzzle!
All ages welcome.
The Carnegie Library is located at 201 Avenue A in Turners Falls, MA. Those taking public transit, can reach the Library by taking the FRTA Bus Routes 22, 24, or 32 to the Food City stop or by taking FRTA’s Route 23 to the Ave A and 3rd Street stop: https://frta.org/getting-around/schedules-maps/
The Carnegie Library has one accessible parking space, located on the 7th Street side of the building (to the left side, if you’re facing the front of the building).
The Library is accessible by wheelchair ramp, accessed down the driveway off of the 7th Street side of the building. There is an automatic door at the top of the ramp. There is a restroom, but the entrance to it is not ADA compliant.
The Montague Public Libraries welcome individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you would like to request accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact library director, Caitlin Kelley, at librarydirector@montague-ma.gov or 413-863-3214 ext. 6 in advance of your participation or visit.
Bilingual Music & Movement with Tom & Laurie
Thursdays, January, February, and March, 10:00 am until 11:00 am
This winter series is made possible by New Salem Academy. Ages 0-5.
Join Tom & Laurie this winter for a highly interactive program! This winter series is made possible by a generous grant from New Salem Academy and includes English and Spanish playful adaptations of songs and collective creation of new verses that incorporate high interest themes and accessible movements in order to expand vocabulary. Bilingual books will be available for families to add to their home libraries.
The Montague Center Branch Library is located at 17 Center Street in Montague, MA. Those taking public transit can reach the Branch Library by taking the FRTA Bus Route 23 to the Montague Center Stop: https://frta.org/getting-around/schedules-maps/
The Montague Center Branch Library has one accessible parking space, located on the North Street side of the building (to the right side, if you’re facing the front of the building.) The Branch Library is accessible by a wheelchair ramp, also located on the North Street Side. There is an accessible restroom located in the children’s room. There is not an automatic door.
The Montague Public Libraries welcome individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you would like to request accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact library director, Caitlin Kelley, at librarydirector@montague-ma.gov or 413-863-3214 ext. 6 in advance of your participation or visit.
Saturday, January 18, 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm
Bluey Party
Join us for fun activities related to the popular character, Bluey, the Blue Heeler dog and her family! Ages 3-16.
A Montague Public Libraries program hosted by the Discovery Center.
2 Avenue A, Turners Falls.
Register for a Free Tree!
The Montague Public Libraries are partnering with @NeighborhoodForest to inspire youth environmentalism and green our community!
Parents/Guardians, please sign your child (infants to age 17) up to receive a free tree this Earth Day by filling out this short form: https://www.neighborhoodforest.org/parent-registration/...
Sign ups are open now through March 15th.
Tree saplings will be available for pick up at the Carnegie Public Library during the week of April 22nd to celebrate Earth Day.
For Parent FAQs please see: https://www.neighborhoodforest.org/parent-faqs/
#Freetreesforkids #NeighborhoodForest #EarthDay2025
The Carnegie Library is located at 201 Avenue A in Turners Falls, MA. Those taking public transit, can reach the Library by taking the FRTA Bus Routes 22, 24, or 32 to the Food City stop or by taking FRTA’s Route 23 to the Ave A and 3rd Street stop: https://frta.org/getting-around/schedules-maps/
The Carnegie Library has one accessible parking space, located on the 7th Street side of the building (to the left side, if you’re facing the front of the building).
The Library is accessible by wheelchair ramp, accessed down the driveway off of the 7th Street side of the building. There is an automatic door at the top of the ramp. There is a restroom, but the entrance to it is not ADA compliant.
The Montague Public Libraries welcome individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you would like to request accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact library director, Caitlin Kelley, at librarydirector@montague-ma.gov or 413-863-3214 ext. 6 in advance of your participation or visit.
Regístrese para obtener un árbol gratis
Nos hemos asociado con @NeighborhoodForest para ayudar a reverdecer nuestra comunidad e inspirar el ecologismo juvenil.
Padres/Tutores, por favor inscriban a sus hijos para recibir un árbol gratis este Día de la Tierra llenando este breve formulario: https://www.neighborhoodforest.org/parent-registration/...
¡Nos pondremos en contacto con usted para recoger su árbol en la biblioteca cuando llegue!
#ÁrbolesParaNiños #NeighborhoodForest #DíaDeLaTierra2025