Nomination papers for Four Trustees due March 29, 2021
Nomination papers for the Annual Town Election, Tuesday, May 18th are now available at the Town Clerk’s office until Monday, March 29th.
Nomination papers for the Annual Town Election, Tuesday, May 18th are now available at the Town Clerk’s office until Monday, March 29th. They must be returned no later than Wednesday, March 31st by 5:00 pm. Potential Library Trustees need to obtain 36 signatures of registered voters from the “town at large” to be placed on the ballot.
Due to COVID 19, the Town Clerk’s Office is currently not open to the public. Please call (413) 863-3200, ext. 203 or email to make an appointment to pick up nomination papers. Town Hall is closed on Fridays.
Library Trustees have four seats open. Three seats are for a 3-year term and one seat is for a 2-year term.
The annual town election will be held on Tuesday, May 18st, 2021.