Upcoming Genealogy Workshops This Winter

Intro to Genealogy on Tues, Jan 25 and Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors on Tues, Feb 16. Both programs will be held at 6:30, accessible via Zoom.

Introduction to Genealogy - Tuesday, January 25th, 6:30pm via Zoom
Carol Ansel, Director at the Godfrey Memorial Library in Middletown, will present the ABCs of beginning genealogy, with an emphasis on the eight basic types of genealogical records - where you can find them and how best to use them.

Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors - Tuesday, February 15th, 6:30pm via Zoom
Find record of your immigrant ancestors and learn about their journeys to America. Godfrey Memorial Library Board Chair and reasearcher Al Fiacrew will present on finding records of these ancestors entering diferent regions of the US during different periods in history.

These workshops will be held on Zoom. To sign up, call 413-863-3214.

Posted: to General News on Fri, Dec 10, 2021
Updated: Fri, Dec 10, 2021