Friends of the Libraries News

New group is off to a great start!

Over the winter a newly revived and energized Friends of the Montague Public Libraries met to plan ways to support our three libraries in Montague.  The first event, a newly organized book sale on Saturday April 25th, was a great success.  The used book sale, which took place in the basement of the library main branch in Turners Falls, was successful due in large part to the organizational efforts of the Friends.  The usual jumble of used books was sorted, organized and alphabetized.  Old falling apart or moldy books recycled or thrown away and only the better books allowed a place on the shelves.  It is now much easier to find your way to the topic you want.  The books are organized into categories so whether you are looking for a cookbook, a novel by a popular author, history, biography or a coffee table book to complete your décor it could be found at the Montague Libraries Friends book sale.  Many bags of books were sold and space made for donations of clean, gently used books. Young adult and children’s books are most needed (no textbooks please). Keep on the lookout for announcements from the Friends for more sales and other activities and for the new brochure that will offer you the chance to become a Friend of the Library. We won’t require you to sort any books (unless of course you want to.)  Funds raised by the Friends will support the libraries and library programs.  Examples include the new open flags in all three locations and they will sponsor the No Strings Marionette Puppet Show this summer.  The next meeting of the Friends is Monday, June 1st, 5:30 P.M. and the next book Sale Saturday, June 27th, 10:00 a.m.  - 2:00  p.m.  If you want to learn more about the Friends, call the Carnegie Library, 863-3214, and ask for Linda.