Online Research, Databases, and More
All of the resources below are free to patrons of the Montague Public Libraries.
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Just Added
Stop dreaming and start making with access to fun, creative classes through Craftsy where you can express yourself through cooking, drawing, knitting, quilting, and more! Craftsy is an online resource for all creative makers, where you can find everything you need – from basic instruction to advanced techniques. Available through Libby under Extras.
Steps to accessing Craftsy:
1. Download and log into the Libby app by Overdrive.
2. Scroll down the Homepage to find Extras.
3. Select Get.
4. Select Open.
5. Select Get a 7-day pass.
6. Select Continue to Craftsy.
A 7-day pass gives you full access to content from Craftsy. When your pass expires, you can return to Libby to get another.
Genealogy/Historical Resources
Visit Proquest Ancestry Library Edition
This resource is for in-library use only. For genealogy research. Includes coverage of the United States and the United Kingdom: census, vital, church, court, and immigration records, as well as record collections from Canada and other areas.
Visit HeritageQuest
HeritageQuest includes genealogical records and historical sources dating back to the 1700s.
Visit Biography Gale In Context
Biographical and contextual information on notable people throughout history.
Visit Franklin County Newspaper Archive 1870-1875
The Franklin County Publication Archive Index.
Visit Montague Public Libraries Community History Archive
The Turners Falls Reporter (1881-1922); Turners Falls Reporter (1872-1880); Turners Falls Herald
Visit Gale OneFile Fine Arts
Articles on art history, music, drama, filmmaking, and related fields.
Visit U.S. History Gale In Context
Academic articles, videos, primary documents, and more on topics in U.S. history.
Visit World History Gale In Context
Academic articles, videos, case studies, and more on topics in world history.
Education and Research
Visit Academic OneFile
Complete source for peer-reviewed scholarly articles across all academic disciplines.
Learn more
Visit Gale OneFile Fine Arts
Articles on art history, music, drama, filmmaking, and related fields.
Visit Britannica Escolar, a Spanish Reference Center
This site offers resources in Spanish for all ages in two unique interfaces, each with its own comprehensive encyclopedia: Enciclopedia Moderna for high school and college students and Britannica Escolar for elementary and middle school students.
Visit Britannica Fundamentals
Activities, games, videos, and more!
Visit Britannica Library
Comprehensive encyclopedia with dictionary, thesaurus, atlas and more.
Visit Britannica School
Comprehensive encyclopedia with dictionary, thesaurus, atlas and more geared toward elementary, middle and high school students.
Visit Gale OneFile Diversity Studies
Articles that explore cultural differences, influences in society, and more.
Visit Elementary Gale in Context
Learn about animals, plants, music, science, sports, and more.
Visit Excel Adult High School (Gale Presents)
Earn your high school diploma online.
Visit Gale OneFile Gender Studies
Articles on gender studies, family/marital issues, health, and more.
Visit Gale Onefile High School Edition
Information on high school research topics plus pop culture, sports, and more.
Visit Gale Literature Resource Center
Biography, criticism, and overviews on writers and specific works in all disciplines.
Visit Middle School Gale In Context
Academic articles, images, topic selections, and more for middle schoolers.
Visit PebbleGo
Discover animals and learn about new people (biographies).
Visit Gale OneFile Religion and Philosophy
Articles on world religions, philosophies, and related fields.
Visit Gale OneFile Health and Medicine
Academic health information from the medical professional's perspective.
Visit Gale Health and Wellness
Health and wellness information for the consumer.
Visit MedlinePlus
MedlinePlus is an online health information resource for patients and their families and friends. It is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Learn more about MedlinePlus
Visit Gale OneFile Nursing and Allied Health
Articles on direct patient care, healthcare administration, and more.
Visit Gale OneFile Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Articles on treatment techniques, experimental research, and more.
Hobbies & Leisure
Visit Gale OneFile Culinary Arts
Recipes, restaurant reviews, industry information, and more.
Visit Gale OneFile Gardening and Horticulture
Articles on the practical aspects of gardening horticulture and more.
Visit Gale OneFile Home Improvement
Articles on architectural techniques, zoning requirements, tool, and more.
Job Hunting and Careers
Visit Gale OneFile Business
Articles on accounting, marketing and management, and related fields.
Visit Gale OneFile Economics and Theory
Articles on economics, interviews with CEOs and entrepreneurs, and more.
Visit Gale OneFile Hospitality and Tourism
Articles on the hospitality and tourism fields, plus travel guides and more.
Visit Gale OneFile Information Science
Articles on the information and library science profession and related topics.
Visit Gale OneFile Leadership and Management
Articles on leadership and management, and more.
Visit Peterson's Career Prep (Gale Presents)
Supports users building resumes, job hunting or searching for careers.
Visit Peterson's Test Prep (Gale Presents)
Test prep including practice tests, review help, and more.
Visit Gale OneFile Vocations and Careers
Articles on job searching, building a career, and more.
Visit Duolingo
Learning with Duolingo is fun, and research shows that it works! With quick, bite-sized lessons, you’ll earn points and unlock new levels while gaining real-world communication skills.
Visit Transparent Language Online
Language learners can build vocabulary, practice skills, and maintain what they have learned with Transparent Language Online, available anytime, anywhere in 110+ languages.
Visit Gale OneFile Insurance and Liability
Articles on mortgages, labor relations, legal issues, and more.
Visit Gale OneFile Criminal Justice
Articles on law, law enforcement, security, terrorism, and more.
Visit Gale Legal Forms
Official federal and state (Massachusetts) legal forms.
Visit The Boston Globe
Full-text article archive from 1980-present.
Visit Gale OneFile Communications and Mass Media
Articles on advertising and public relations, linguistics, and related fields.
Visit Gale General OneFile
Magazines, news, and journal articles on general interest topics and current events.
Visit Gale In Context Global Issues
International academic perspectives on global issues.
Visit The New York Times
Full-text article archive from 1985-present.
Visit OneFile Military and Intelligence
Articles on governmental policies, socioeconomic effects of war, and more.
Visit Gale OneFile News
Regional, national, and world newspapers.
Visit Gale In Context Opposing Viewpoints
Continuously updated information and opinions covering hot issues.
Visit Gale OneFile Pop Culture Studies
Articles on pop culture analysis and more.
Visit Gale OneFile Popular Magazines
The most popular and current magazines available from all of the Gale resources.
Visit Gale OneFile War and Terrorism
Articles on war and its causes, current events, terrorism, and more.
Visit Gale OneFile Agriculture
Articles on farming, horticulture, and agriculture-related fields.
Visit Gale In Context Environmental Studies
Academic articles, videos, case studies, and more on topics in environmental studies.
Visit Gale OneFile Psychology
Articles on personality, the human mind, memory, and more.
Visit Proquest Science
Full-text articles in the applied and general sciences.
Visit Gale In Context Science
Academic articles, videos, experiments, and more.
Visit Gale Interactive Science
Interactive 3D models in biology, chemistry, earth science, and more.