E-Books and E-Audiobooks
If you are an Montague Public Libraries patron with an active CW MARS library card, you can access a large collection of eBooks, audiobooks, and streaming movies, television series, and classes through Libby.
Visit Libby
Libby is an e-reader app available through OverDrive. Libby is the easiest way to borrow and enjoy eBooks and audiobooks from your library and is available for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch), and Windows 10. Get started with Libby or learn more about it.
Visit Kanopy
It’s Like Netflix for Libraries!
Anyone with a Montague Public Libraries library card can now enjoy thousands of free videos on the Kanopy streaming service.
Visit montaguepl.kanopy.com and use your Montague Public Libraries card log-in information to access streaming movies, TV shows, and Great Courses.
List of The Great Courses (available through Montague Public Libraries)
Kanopy’s unique selection offers something for everyone, from award winning indie films to important and timely documentaries, to foreign films, popular cinema, children’s shows and more.
Many of Kanopy’s videos are not available on any other streaming video platform, and the experience is easy-to-use and completely advertisement free.
Kanopy and Libby
Find your library’s Kanopy service directly from Libby. Available through Libby under EXTRAS.
The Kanopy app and all the ways to browse, stream, and enjoy videos from Kanopy will remain unchanged.
Additional details about Kanopy discovery in Libby:
You can stream videos in the Kanopy mobile app, on the web, or via Roku, Apple TV, and other Smart TVs. Access via Libby is simply another way for you to discover the service.
When you select Kanopy in Libby, you’ll be shown a screen to learn more and get started. If you already have the Kanopy app installed on that device will be prompted to open it.
Existing Kanopy users will sign into Kanopy with the same login credentials they already use. New users who discover Kanopy through Libby will be prompted to create an account with Kanopy.
About Kanopy
Kanopy partners with libraries and filmmakers around the globe to give patrons, students and faculty free access to high-quality films that stimulate imagination, promote learning, and spark meaningful conversations. Many films on Kanopy, including from iconic film companies such as A24, Criterion Collection, Paramount, PBS and Kino Lorber, are unavailable elsewhere. The Kanopy app is available on iOS and Android along with all major streaming devices, including Roku, Apple TV, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Samsung Smart TV. For more information, please visit www.kanopy.com.
Visit NovelistPlus
Library Card Required
NoveList Plus allows you to easily find read-alikes for popular authors, book discussion guides, award lists and much more! Find fiction and non-fiction recommendations for all ages. Search by author, title, series or plot description by typing in the search bar at the top of the screen. Find series information listed in reading order so you don't miss a single installment of your favorite story.
Wondering what to read next? NoveList provides reading recommendations for fiction and nonfiction materials for adults, teens, tweens (ages 9-12) and children (ages 0-8). Also includes Feature Articles, Book Discussion Guides, and BookTalks.
This database is provided by CWMARS.
CW MARS Libby Reciprocal Lending Agreement

You can now use your CW MARS library card to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and streaming movies, television series, and Great Courses from other library networks in Massachusetts.
In addition to using Libby through CW MARS (http://cwmars.overdrive.com/), you can now also log into:
Boston Public Library – https://bpl.overdrive.com/
CLAMS – https://clamsnet.overdrive.com/
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium – https://mvlc.overdrive.com/
Minuteman Library Network – https://minuteman.overdrive.com/
NOBLE – https://noble.overdrive.com/
Old Colony Library Network – https://ocln.overdrive.com/
SAILS – https://sails.overdrive.com/
On the “Sign In” page, you will see a box that asks you to “Select Your Library from the List Below.” CW MARS patrons should choose “CW MARS Patrons” from the list. Then you can enter your library card barcode to log in.
This process is the same regardless of which library network you are logging into.
There is no “single sign-on.” You will have to sign into each library network separately to access that library network’s eBooks and audiobooks.
You can borrow eBooks and audiobooks from the other library networks. The loan periods are subject to the local rules of that library network and not to the rules of CW MARS.